About Us
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located in the east of the Indian mainland geographically, float in splendid isolation in the Bay of Bengal. Once a hill range extending from Myanmar to Indonesia, these picturesque undulating islands, are covered with forests and endless varieties of exotic flora and fauna. Underwater marine life, coral, crystal clear water and mangrove-lined creeks offer a rare view of the precious bounties of nature. Sandy beaches here are the natural choice for turtles to nest. Around 86% of the area is still covered by dense forests with innumerable species of orchids, ferns, exotic flowers and many endemic birds. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is an archipelago of 572 islands of which 37 are permanently inhabited. Andaman and Nicobar is Islands area are 8,249 km/Square , the islands have a tropical climate. The South West Monsoon sets in Andaman Nicobar Islands towards the end of May and the North East Monsoon in November. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are home to six tribes- Great Andamanese, Onge, Jarawa, Sentinelese, Shompen and Nicobarese. Port Blair is the capital of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Andaman Trunk Road runs from Port Blair to Diglipur. The length of the road is approximately 330 kms. The significance of this trunk road is much because it passes from the residing area of aborigins. This covers South Andaman, Middle Andaman and North Andaman. These forests also have some animals like pigs and deers. Sand Bar Bridge is in between two Islands such as ROSS and SMITH, sand bar beach, convenient approach route to Ross and Smith sand bar beach from Ariel Bay Jetty by boat only.

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